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In order to view the content below you must hold a Major Membership. Please make sure you are signed in or click here to learn more.
When you or your partner opens a weak 2, the idea is to get in the opponents' way. You
Most bridge players are familiar with the daunting feeling of picking up the 'dreaded' 4-4-4-1 hand. In this lesson
In this lesson we learn about using doubles as a 'two-way' bid. In particular we focus on the 'takeout'
This video lesson is on tricky subject of doubles, in particular the 'penalty' variant of the double. We learn
This video lesson sees us tackle the topic of 'Weak Jump Overcalls' (often abbreviated to WJOs). This is the
In this lesson we tackle various suit combinations where you are missing 'touching' honour cards. The best way to
In this video lesson we learn about using Stayman to show a weak hand with 5:4 in the majors.
Pre-emptive bids are designed to make your life hard, and they often succeed! In this video lesson, we learn
The Losing Trick Count is a very powerful tool used to analyse how good your hand is, once you
In this video lesson we look at one of the most widely played conventions of all time - 'Red
As declarer, normally, at the start of a hand, you will form a rough plan as to how you
Occasionally you will find yourself in a trump contract but without 8+ cards in the trump suit. This is
In the bidding when you have an unbalanced hand and have found a fit, your points won't actually give
The 'Quantitative 4NT' is a slam investigative bid used to look primarily for NT slams. The idea behind this
When there has been two passes before you bid you find yourself in what's known as the 'protective seat'.
There are very rare occasions where you pick up a hand that is so good that you think you
The bidding is a language, and as such we need to know when our partner is going to respond
A conventional bid is a bid that carries a specific message and is not necessarily a natural bid (ie
When you are missing honour cards there are often several different ways to play out the suit in question
Takeout doubles are a very useful tool to deal with competitive bidding from the opponents. A negative double is
A finesse is a card play technique where you try and make a trick from a card this not
This video lesson deals with the critical subject of when to draw trumps as a declarer. We look at
This cardplay lesson is on the topic of declarer play. We look at how to handle suit combinations where
In this lesson we learn about the declarer card play technique known as 'the rule of 1'. This technique
This lesson sees us learn about a defensive technique known as 'forcing'. This is when you look to make
In this lesson we learn about match-pointed pairs and in particular how they are scored. Knowing about how the
This lessons sees us take a look at general defensive techniques, and in particular we concentrate on when you
This lesson sees us look in greater detail at the idea behind playing 'red suit transfers'. These bids take
Here we learn about bidding 1NT as an overcaller. You require more points to bid 1NT as an overcaller
In this lesson we look at defence as a whole. This is obviously a huge subject, so we learn