2511, 2023

Hand of the Week #234 ♠

Saturday, 25 November, 2023|

N E S W 1NT X P* P XX* P P P East starts off the bidding with a 1NT opener (showing 12-14 as this pair are playing ACOL) and South quickly doubles for penalties. West recalls that they are playing 'exit transfers' as a defence to

1811, 2023

Hand of the Week #233 (Solution) ♦

Saturday, 18 November, 2023|

N E S W 1♥ P 1NT P 2♣ P 2♥ P P P We have an incredibly strong side suit in this 2♥ contract, but it is important that we recognise that it is exactly that: a side suit. Before we enjoy our club winners we must

1811, 2023

Hand of the Week #233 ♦

Saturday, 18 November, 2023|

N E S W 1♥ P 1NT P 2♣ P 2♥ P P P With East-West remaining silent throughout this auction, North correctly chooses to open 1♥ with their 5:5 shape in hearts and clubs (always open the higher ranking of two 5 card suits). South replies

1111, 2023

Hand of the Week #232 (Solution) ♥

Saturday, 11 November, 2023|

NESW   3♦PPP  North appears to have hit our weakness with their opening lead, and it is almost certain that the opponents are about to take their 3 heart tricks. Looking at our other suits, it appears as though the black suits are okay, because we have the ♠A for

1111, 2023

Hand of the Week #232 ♥

Saturday, 11 November, 2023|

N E S W 3♦ P P P West opens the bidding with a pre-emptive bid of 3♦, and this bid does the exact thing it is meant to do which is keeps everyone else (including their partner) out of the bidding! Everyone passes, so after only

411, 2023

Hand of the Week #231 (Solution) ♣

Saturday, 4 November, 2023|

N E S W 1NT P P P Following the 'TEE' principle, we have: 1 top trick in spades (2 on the lead!), 2 in hearts and none in either clubs or diamonds. Our extra tricks, however, will come from either club or diamonds as they are our

411, 2023

Hand of the Week #231 ♣

Saturday, 4 November, 2023|

N E S W 1NT P P P The most straight-forward auction that can exist leads to South playing in everyone's favourite contract - 1NT. This North-South pair are playing a weak NT (12-14), so South opens 1NT and everyone else passes. North can't bid their diamonds

2810, 2023

Hand of the Week #230 (Solution) ♠

Saturday, 28 October, 2023|

N E S W P P P 2♣* P 2♦* P 3♦ P 3♥ P 3♠ P 4♦ P 4NT P 5♦ P 5♥ P 6♦ P P P It makes sense on this hand to look to establish the dummy as the master hand, because there

2810, 2023

Hand of the Week #230 ♠

Saturday, 28 October, 2023|

N E S W P P P 2♣* P 2♦* P 3♦ P 3♥ P 3♠ P 4♦ P 4NT P 5♦ P 5♥ P 6♦ P P P The auction starts with everyone passing round to North who has a monster hand. This North-South only auction

2110, 2023

Hand of the Week #229 (Solution) ♦

Saturday, 21 October, 2023|

N E S W 1♣ P 1♠ P 1NT P P P Looking at following the 'TEE' principle, we have: no top spade tricks, 3 top hearts, 1 top diamond and 1 top club, so already we have 5 tricks in the bag. Our extra tricks can

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