2NT* Response to a Weak 2 ♦
When you or your partner opens a weak 2, the idea is to get in the opponents' way. You are hoping that they have a good hand and can make a contract somewhere and with your aggressive opening bid, their contract is harder to find. Occasionally though, your weak
Opening 4-4-4-1 Hands ♦
Most bridge players are familiar with the daunting feeling of picking up the 'dreaded' 4-4-4-1 hand. In this lesson we look at this tricky hand and we focus on the most difficult times these hands crop up - when you want to open the bidding.
How to win at Teams bridge: the difference between matchpoints and imps ♥
Ever wondered what the difference was between scoring with matchpoints (pairs) and scoring with imps (teams)? Well this video answers your question! In this class we look at the different version of scoring, why it was created and how it affects the bidding, play and defence.
Lebensohl Answers ♠
The answers to the Lebensohl quiz are below. If you haven't yet taken the quiz then click here to go back to the version without the answers! If you aren't sure what Lebensohl is all about then feel free to watch my video on it here. In all of
Lebensohl ♠
Below is a bidding quiz on Lebensohl - the clever use of 2NT after the opponents overcall your 1NT opener or after they open a weak 2 and your partner makes a takeout double. If you aren't sure what Lebensohl is all about then feel free to watch my
Inverted Minors ♠
In this video lesson we take a look at altering the way we support our partner when they have opened 1 of a minor. In simple terms, playing inverted minors means that you swap your 2 level and 3 level support bids of a minor opening, but there are
Asptro ♥
In this video lesson we learn about the convention known as 'Asptro'. This is used after an opening of 1NT by the opponents and is designed to allow the overcallers to show two-suited hands with at least one major suit.
Takeout Doubles ♦
In this lesson we learn about using doubles as a 'two-way' bid. In particular we focus on the 'takeout' variant of the double and how it can be an incredibly powerful tool in the bidding to get your partner to make a noise!
Penalty Doubles ♦
This video lesson is on tricky subject of doubles, in particular the 'penalty' variant of the double. We learn about the origin of the double and why it was invented to punish the opponents for bidding too much, and scoring more points as a defender.
Weak Jump Overcalls ♦
This video lesson sees us tackle the topic of 'Weak Jump Overcalls' (often abbreviated to WJOs). This is the partnership agreement that if you make a jump bid as an overcaller you will have a weak hand (5-10 ish points) with a long (6+) card suit, similar to a