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In order to view the content below you must hold a Major Membership. Please make sure you are signed in or click here to learn more.
This lesson sees us learn about a defensive technique known as 'forcing'. This is when you look to make
In this video we learn about when and why to bid 3NT as your opening bid (!) or infrequently
Here we take a look at those awkward hands that are not quite balanced but are not truly unbalanced
In this lesson we learn about match-pointed pairs and in particular how they are scored. Knowing about how the
This advanced lesson sees us take a look at bidding 2-suited hands. We look at why these extremely shapely
This lessons sees us take a look at general defensive techniques, and in particular we concentrate on when you
The 'ruffing finesse' is a card play technique that looks to generate extra tricks by using the threat of
This lesson sees us look in greater detail at the idea behind playing 'red suit transfers'. These bids take
In this advanced lesson we learn about a new method of signalling in defence. Here we look at how
In this lesson we take a look at the various different ways that you can support your partner's overcall.
We learn about jumping as a responder in this video. Specifically, we take a look at what it means
In this video lesson we learn about the declarer playing technique known as 'the cross ruff'. This is used
Here we learn about bidding 1NT as an overcaller. You require more points to bid 1NT as an overcaller
In this video we discover when and why you might lead a trump as a defender. In particular we
This video takes a look at the opening of Weak 2s, and in particular how to respond to them.
In this lesson we look at defence as a whole. This is obviously a huge subject, so we learn
The marked finesse is a card play technique that specifically applies to being declarer. It gets it's name from
In this card play lesson, we take a look at using cards to transport the lead from one hand
In this lesson we talk about what 'reverses' are and why they are played. If the opener has an
In this improvers class we take a look at responding 1NT to your partner's opening bid. This is often
In this advanced lesson we learn about the advantages and disadvantages of the very popular system '5 card majors'.
Opening leads is our next video lesson. This is the first card that the defenders play that gets the
Opening the bidding at a higher level has not yet been discussed but is of course legal! The idea
Next we look at the enigma that is the double. This bid (rather confusingly) can be used to mean
Here we look at the delicate subject of deciding whether or not to draw trumps as declarer. This decision
This video sees us tackle the scoring modifier know as the 'vulnerability'. This is an extra layer to the
This time is the topic of being an overcaller. Overcalling is the name for bidding when you are on
In this lesson we look at responding to our partner's opening of 1NT. This is very different to responding
Here we look at responding to partner's opening bid, specifically when they open 1 of a suit as this
This video lesson sees us look at opening the bidding with unbalanced hands. These are hands with any singleton