
Minibridge – hand with trumps #4

Important info before you get started

Who is declarer?

The points around the table are:

North – 8
East – 6
South – 18
West – 8

Which makes East and West the defenders, North the dummy, and South (you!) the declarer.

Tricks and trumps?

According to the ‘minibridge trick table‘, with 26 points together you require 9 or more tricks to make your contract.

Your side, however, has an 8 card fit in spades, so it is beneficial for you to choose them as trumps.

Choosing a trump suit makes your trick target one higher, but it is worth it because having a trump suit will usually benefit you by more than one trick.

You are the declarer, needing 10 or more tricks with spades as trumps.

Good luck!

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