Minibridge – hand with no trumps #4
Important info before you get started
Who is declarer?
The points around the table are:
North – 8
East – 12
South – 17
West – 3
Which makes East and West the defenders, North the dummy, and South (you!) the declarer.
Tricks and trumps?
According to the ‘minibridge trick table‘, with 25 points together you require 9 or more tricks to make your contract.
Unfortunately, your side does not have a suit with 8 or more cards, so on this hand it is best to opt for no trumps.
Choosing no trumps has the benefit of keeping your trick target at the same level, but the downside of not having a trump suit to bully your opponents with!
You are the declarer, needing 9 or more tricks with no trumps.
Good luck!